
Be Your Own Best Doctor

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Learn from Your Body Messages

You are wonderfully made. The body intelligence often alarm and warn you of pain sensation, profusive sweat, cold feet, fatigue, insomnia,  and other physical syndromes due to sluggish blood circulation and/or Meridian blockage, dysfunction of the organs and seven orifices (eyes, noses, ears and mouth), infection, inflammation, edema and abnormality of body temperatures. The members of the body are well connected: Lung is connected with colon; Gall Bladder with Gastric intestinal; Liver with Kidney; Breast is connected with Ovaries; Urinary Bladder with gall bladder; Pericardium with liver and Kidney;

Do not ignore “the body messages” when body intelligence repeatedly issue the same warnings such as feel lethargic all the time, sleep-apnea, can not relax, extreme fatigue, light headed, hair loss, cough during the night, tooth pain, nasal drainage all year around, tinnitus, nodule on the head, hearing loss, water eyes, bleeding, dry mouth, warm hands with cold feet, profusive sweat after light physical exercise, sensitive to heat, male impotence or low libido, gastric acid reflux, eczema, rashes, dry skin, constipation, diarrhea, joint pain, focal stabbing pain, headches, eye-lid jump, heart palpitation, catch cold easily, allergies, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, mini-stroke and so on. Learn from the body message so that you can find the secret to live an abundant life, not just overcome a symp

tom and a disease.

Conventional treatment with prescriptions, antibiotics, cortisone injection, flu and immunization shot, surgeries and amputation of a leg may help you temporarily; however, it is imperative that you have to identify the hidden culprits – the underlying root causes of so called clinical symptoms, a label of disease such as Lyme disease, Cancer, Parkinson’s disease, autoimmune disease, etc. Then, you will be regenerated, recharged, rejuvenated and healed.

If you have seen many physicians, tried more than one dozens of prescription drugs, underwent a number of surgeries, yet, you are still sick and are confused and frustrated with what is going on with your “disease(s)”.

Dr. Ging is a graduate of School of Medicine of Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, and earned his Ph.D. from China Academy of Chinese Medical Science, Beijing, China – the most prestigious research organization in integrative medicine research in China. He is a licensed acupuncturist (L. Ac.) in the state of Texas and certified with the National Commission of Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). He is a founder of Texas Acupuncture Practice.

He is a noted researcher in Chinese herbs as well as a popular speaker on comprehensive health issues, viewed from the unique context of Bio-Energetic and Integrative Medicine. He has researched and developed a unique line of Traditional Chinese herbal formulas and places emphasis on life style changes, healthy diet and nutrition, and self-empowered Chi-Qong energy exercise and prayer as a means to relieve the chronic health issues such as oral health problems, drug withdrawal syndromes, chronic fatigue, auto-immune response, parasitic infection, bacteria/yeast/fungal/viral infection, weight control, sleep disorder and etc.

He specializes in identifying the root of causes of physical health issues, particularly through Chi (life vital energy) screening of fourteen Meridians, tongue, eyes, iris, auricular and ten primary organs in addition to evaluating the conventioal blood work and test result reports. His unique treatment protocols, being practiced in China, Japan, Korea and other oriental world for more than 4,000 years, consist of acupuncture, Tui-Na (Traditional Chinese Massage – push and/or pull joint-muscle for healing) and Chinese herbal medicine. He uses one-time sterilized, disposal needles for acupuncture treatment; therefore, there is no risk to transmit hepatitis, AIDS and other sex transmittal diseases.

According to the clinical Statistics, 98% of the patients have made substantial progress prior to leaving Dr. Ging’s Rejuvenation and Pain Clinic.

Christopher Ging is not a MD; he is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) whose training primarily focuses on integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine with conventional Allopathic Medicine. He is a match maker, bringing the merits of both medicines into one. He believes there is ONLY ONE medicine that works. It does not matter it is coming from Occidental or Oriental medicine.
To taper down or taper off your medications may be monitored shortly after Dr. Ging’s treatment.

Meridian Chi Enhancement Program

A.    Healthy Life Style Changes

Refer to “healthy life style Changes” article

B.    Self-Empowerment Exercise and Therapy

Exercise to overcome grief and to bring up the joy
Joy of the Lord is your strength

  1. Tap the Thmus and Dai-Zhong acupuncture point where is right on the ascending aoera, the mid-point between two nipples
  2. Clap the palms
  3. Massage the tip of the ear with the thumb and index (2nd) finger until it is warm. Then, pull the apex of the ear for 3 minutes that would bring you the peace and help sleep.

Exercise to overcome frustration, irritation and depression

  1. Hold your neck with two palms. Turn you neck and the body to the right, but not your feet as much as you can for 3 times. Then, turn your neck and the body to the left, but not your feet as much as you can for 3 times. Then, turn your neck backward 3 times as much as you can.
  2. Reverse Breathing – start long breathing out to the abdomen; then short breathe in to the chest

Exercise to overcome the Fear which drains your energy

  1. Tap the Dien-tan and the Mien-Men Acupuncture point
  2. Tap the bottom of the feet
  3. Tap the ulnar side of the wrist and 5th finger
  4. Take Brain-Bone Powder for breakfast and snack
  5. Take Raw English Walnuts
  6. Feast on Sun-Ray Chi-Qong – practice at sun-rise or sun-set
    Refer to the “Feast on Sun-Ray” article
  7. Massage from the T1 to T18; then from T18 to T15 27 times to bring the Yang (positive) energy to expel the fear (negative energy)

Anterior Stretch for Lung and Stomach Health

Tiger Rising-Up Push-Up (50 times or more) 2-3 times daily

It is like but different from the regular push-up. To practice the Tiger Rising Push-Up, instead of pushing the arms, body and legs straight up and down, you push the leg, ankle and toes somewhat backward while lowering the body; then, push your arm foreward as your body rises up.

Posterior Stretch for deep sleep, height, and lumbar health – Yoga Bridge

Release the toxic gas (Chi), old stool, thick-dirty-clotted blood (reduce erythrocyte sinking rate)

  1. Drink fresh ginger root tea ( 1 cup before breakfast and before supper), Chinese Rock Salt water, Brain-Bone Powder for breakfast and snack, Vitamin E, Garlic with Vinegar
  2. Push down the Sternum to Pubic Bone with tip of the thumb, 27 times per session before breakfast and bedtime until the stomach is gurgling, hiccough, and/or fart
  3. Vegetable blending with 3 organic carrots, green apple, lime with peel, pear, 1/8 Chinese Rock Salt, 1 cup of Almond Milk (original)
  4. Mung bean with some ginger root soup; 2-3 bowls daily

Maitain the Liver function

  1. Close your eyes while sitting
  2. drink Chamomille or Chrythanthemum tea
  3. go to bed before 9:30 p.m.
  4. no greasy/deep fry food
  5. No sugar food
  6. No beer/liquor/wine or any alcohol

Chi-Qong Exercise

Anus Contraction exercise
Refer to “Anus Contraction exercise” article

Golden Cock Standing – stand with one foot for 10-30 minutes or longer

Hit Dian-Tien to the trunk of a big and healthy tree
place 2nd to 5th fingers onto the belly button. The point straight down under the 5th finer is the Dian-Tien point. Hit Dian-Tien to the trunk of a big and healthy tree 10-15 minutes.
“Push down the Sternum to Pubic Bone with tip of fingers” exercise can be practiced along with “Hit Dian-Tien to The Trunk” exercise

Vibrating the Sacrum and Perineum for 5 minutes before breakfast or bedtime helps male potency

Third-Eye, Sun (left eye) and Moon (right eye) Exercise

Diaphragm Chi-Qong Exercise
Lotus Sitting & Breathing & Mind-Drive shaking Chi-Qong

Romy’s Blood Clots Removal Therapy – no pain

Acupuncture Therapy

Dr.  Michelle’s Energy Infusion Therapy

Dr.  Michelle’s Deep Sleep Therapy

Brain Blood Supply depends on the Stomach, Liver and Epicardium function, which can direct impact on the blood supply of coronary artery and heart. Blood supply of coronary artery and heart depends on whether blood clots due to the liver Chi is depressed/suppressed and/or the physical weakness of the heart. Acupuncturing on the Epicardium Meridian Point 3 (Crooked Tzer) would help relieve the liver stress and strengthen the physical heart and acute stomach/intestian pain due to gastric ulcer, colonitis.
If pain is felt upon barely touching the Epicardium Meridian Point 3 (Crooked Tzer), it indicated the liver stress and/or sluggish blood supply of the heart is not so severe compared with pain is felt upon pressing othher Epicardiun meridian points. When pressing other points of Epicardium Merdian, the pain is felt, it indicates the blood supply of the heart is severely weakened.

Sluggish Brain Blood Supply Cause Memory Loss, Insomnia, Vertigo and Headache

  1. Tap the Stomach Meridian in the face, cheek and TMJ region with ten fingers and acupuncture Stomach Meridian, Jie-Xing and Triple Warmer Meridian Point 18 (Che-Mai which is above the Yi-Fung point) help relax the CNS
  2. Acupuncture Large Intestine Meridian, Point 6 (Pan-Li), Point 13 (Shou-Wu-Li), and Point 15 (Jian-Yiu)
  3. Use hollow fist to tap the neck
    Acupressure Small-Intestine Meridian Point 6, Yang-Lau (anti-aging) and Epicardium Meridian Point 4-6, Nei-Guan, Jian-Shi, Xi-Men

Cataract, Watery Eyes, Optical Nerve Atrophy, Eye Pain/Itch

  1. Tap or massage the Large Intestine Meridian Point 14, Bian-Nao (between Shou-San-Li point and Jian-Yiu)
  2. Gall Bladder Meridian Point 1, Tong-Tze-Liao
  3. For red-fire eyes: acupuncture Heart Meridian Point, Shao-Fu (Zhon point), Gall Bladder Point, Chou-Xiu (above Zhu-Li-Chi), Triple-Warmer Meridian ending Point, S-Zhu-Kong and Large Interstine Meridian Point 11, Crooked Cistern.

Insomnia and Irritation Release

  1. Soak the feet with the hot water, 3 TBLS of Epsom Salt, 1/8 tsp or 3 drops of concentrated lavender oil for 20 minutes at 8:00 p.m. and go to bed before or by 9:30 p.m.
  2. One handful of raw English walnuts each time; 3-4 times daily or cook the walnuts with oatmeal for breakfast
  3. Spleen Energy Formula for those who are mind-racing all the time
  4. Li-Zi fruit seasonal fruit in summer. Eat 4 pieces to see if you like it and it is beneficial to your deep sleep. If it does, partake 4 more pieces; otherwis quit taking it.
  5. do not drink green tea, coffee, mountain dew, pops drink or any caffeinated drink
  6. Massage the bottom of the right feet with left palm and vice versa before bedtime
  7. Release Excessive Fire Points: Spleen Meridian Point, 6 (Shan-Chou) and Lung Meridian Point 10 (Ju-Ji), Gall Bladder Point, Chou-Xu (above Zhu-Li-Qi point) and Heart Meridian Point 5, Tong-Li


Vegetable/Fruit Blending
4 organic carrots, 1 green apple, 3 stalks of celery, 1/2 lime with peel, 1/8 teaspoon of Chinese Rock Salt, 1 cup of almond milk (original with no sugar). Do not remove the peel, seeds from the above ingredients. The seeds contain Cyanide, one of 4,000 phytochemicals (Isoflavones from soy bean, Lycopene from tomato, Allicin from Garlic, Indoles from Broclii, Beta Carotene) which can breakdown the bacteria, fungal and bad yeast to enhance the body immunity.

Drink 1-2 cups before breakfast and before supper

Nut Milk
1/4 cup of flax seed (about 60 grams), 1/4 cup of black sesame powder, 1/4 of almond, 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds are soaked with 2 cups of distilled water, and some honey overnight. Next morning, blend the above ingredients with a three-horse blender until it becomes mushy liquid. Drink 1-2 cups for breakfast.

Beef Bone Soup
Boil 10 cups of water. Upon boiling, put one pound of organic beef bones into the sauce pan for 4 minutes.  Pour out the water in the sauce pan. Refill 10 cups of water (the water has to cover the beef bones) and boil it again. Upon boiling, low boil (small bubbling) for one hour.

When it cools down, refrigerate it. Few hours later, the beef bone fat would surface to the top. Scrap out the fat. When you are ready to have beef broth, you may pour some of beef bone soup into a smaller sauce pan. Boil and low boil the beef bone soup with tomatoes, organic carrots, oninos and other desirable fresh vegetables you like for 8 minutes.

White Chrysanthemum Tea
Release the pressure from the stagnant liver damp heat on the skin. Therefore, it is beneficial to heal vertigo, acne, nasal bleeding, insomnia, skin rashes due to liver damp heat
Boil 3 cups of filtered water. Upon boiling, put one handful of white Chrysanthemum and 4 pieces of licorice to low boil for one minute. Then, turn off the stove and put the lid on for 4 minutes. Drink one to two cups each time; 2-3 times daily.

Do not drink the Chrysanthemum tea in the winter.

For those who are sensitive to cold (cold hands and/or chilled feet) do not drink Chrysanthemum tea.
Where the nasal bleeding is there is a weakness. Place Ginseng powder on the maxilla side (two nose wings) would strengthen nasal mucoid energy; therefore, it would stop the nasal bleeding.
Wear Precious Stone Belt or Cap at least 8 hours a day

Chi Machine Exercise starts with 5 minutes a session gradually increase to 30-45 minutes a session, morning and evening before meal or bedtime.

Healthy Sex Life – no more than 2 times a week. For man, practice anus contraction Chi-Qong – sex without ejaculation or no sex at all.

C.    Breakfast

  1. Boil 12 pieces of raw English walnuts with 1/2 cups of water for 1 minute. Upon boiling, low-boil for 7 more minutes. Then, mix oat meal with already done English walnuts and 3 tablespoons of black sesame powder and 1 tablespoonful of Flaxseed powder. Low boil for three more minutes.
    Partake raw English walnut as it is; one handful each time between or before meal, 3-4 times daily.
  2. Vegetable/Fruit Blending: one to two cups
  3. Organic Cottage cheese
  4. Unleaven bread such as Ezekiel Bread, authentic Jewish unleaven bread
  5. drink 2 cups of Chinese rock water with OzonMate.

D.    Lunch

  1. Beef bone broth with organic carrots, tomoto, red skin potatoes, onions, cabbages and other fresh vegetables.
  2. drink 2 cups of Chinese wock water with OzonMate.


E.    Supper

1.    2-3 tomatoes juice with green apple, and Chinese rock salt
2.    Vegetable Blending
3.    Beef bone broth
4.    Salmon

F.    Nutrition, Food Supplement & Prescription

How do you know you have made resonable physical progress and begin winning over your disease?

Although medication is necessary to treat your disease, it is a temporary solution.
You have to find accurate diagnosis and better treatment protocols to root out the disease and recoup your energy and your health back without prescriptions gradually. Dr. Ging would help you to take measures to taper down and gradually taper off the prescription drugs by life style changes, right kind diet and nutrition, food supplement, and self-empowerment Chi-Qong exercise.

Mineral and Vitamin Supplement

Magnesium Malate – 1,000 mg each time before breakfast and one hour before bedtime. (When having loose bowel or diarrhea, quit taking it for few days. Then, reduce the dosage to 500 mg daily)

Vitamin E – 800 to 1,200 I.U each time before each meal
Ear 1-2 slices (1/4 inch thick) of processed ginger root by rice vinegar

Zinc – follow the recommendation of healthcare professionals.

Chinese Rock Salt  – for energy enhancement, beautiful skin, regular bowel movement, pain relief, weight loss and cough-flu-cold prevention.

Black Sesame Powder –  for heart, kidney, liver, knee and lumba and bone health, arthritis, balance cholesterol, energy enhancement, reglar bowel movement, and better vision and hair growth, cancer prevention, atherochlerosis prevention and balance blood sugar.


Healthy and Taboo Foods

Primary Meal
brown rice, millet, organic buckwheat, Yi-mi, Chen-Shi, newly processed grain, oatmeal, almond milk (orininal with low sugar), fresh vegetables, ranch raised chicken soup and Black chicken raised in Canada (chicken soup with chinese herbs has more nutritional value than chicken meat), cornish hen, turkey, purple yam, Japanese yam (yellow).
Deep Ocean fish such as salmon, bass, halbut.

Butter: Goat butter, Almond butter, Cashew butter

Milk: Almond milk, Goat

milk, organic rice milk and healthy human milk.

If you have diarrhea, gassy, and/or gastric pain , do not take any fruit until you overcome the symptoms.

Recommeded fruits include green lime with peel, green apple, apricot, blueberry, cranberry, raspberry, blackberry, papaya, pear, grapefruit, peach, moderate amount of cherry and grapes with seeds, pomegranate, cantaloupe.

Taboo Foods

No Mango fruit; No GMF (Gene Modified Foods).

No sugar food, pops (soft drink); no cow milk; no greasy, deep-fry food.

No wine-liquor-beer or any alcohol drink.

No shrimp, no shell fish.

No green tea; no coffee including de-caffeinated coffee. Coffee is number one drug although it

is a legal drug. To drink more than one cup of coffee would result in insomnia, diarrhea, nerve tension, heart palpitation, osteoporosis, short breath, urinary bladder cancer, bladder infection, frequent urination, lumbargo, knee-hip joint problems, allergies and other kidney function problems.

Be aware: the direction of Chi (energy) circulation is opposite to that of blood circulation
It is imperative to acknowledge that arterial blood descens from the left side of the body and venous blood ascends from the right side of the body whereas the Liver Chi ascends from the left side of the body and Lung Chi descends down to the right side of the body.
Therefore, if you desire to bring the Liver Chi energy up, acupressure or acupuncture the left side of the body; if you desire to bring the Lung or other Meridian’s Chi down to the feet, acupressure, moxa or acupuncture the right side of the body.

Osteoporosis and Bone Health

  1. The body is not able to assimilate and retain calcium due to the Kidney and/or  parathyroid dysfunction and stress. Partaking the cow milk would not improve the bone density because it is difficult for human being to assimilate Casein protein in the cow milk. Goat milk can be a substitute for cow milk because it is easier to be assimilated than the cow milk.
    Acupuncture Spleen Meridian Point 2, Da-Duo would help food and calcium assimilation
  2. Fresh vegetables, Black Sesame Powder, Brown Rice, Chinese Red bean, Maung Bean, Yi-Mi and Seaweed (Kelp).
  3. Vegetable Blending
    12 strawberry (beneficial for strong bones ) with 1/4 red beets, 3 organic carrots, Avocado, 1/2 cup of parsley juice (Luteolin, a phytochemical for anti-oxidation, clear excessive free radicals; therefore it it beneficial for thyroid prevention), purple grapes, gou-ji berry, 5 slices of fresh ginger root, 2 cups of ozonate water.

    2 to 4 cups daily.

  4. Nut Milk
    1/4 cup of flax seed (about 60 grams), 1/4 cup of black sesame powder, 1/4 of almond, 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds are soaked with 2 cups of distilled water, and some honey overnight. Next morning, blend the above ingredients with a three-horse blender until it becomes mushy liquid. Drink 1-2 cups for breakfast and lunch.
  5. Regular outdoors exercise, at least 30 minutes daily and/or Practice “Feast on Sunray Chi-Qong”.

Phlegm is the number one culprit (the underlying root of causes) of chronic disease.

  1. To disolve the phlegm requires abundant Chi. To Acupressure Epicardium Meridian Point 2 (Heavenly fountain) and Point 4 (Jien-Shi) would enhance the internal Chi and disolve and expel the phlegm from the body.
  2. Use the soft tissue to make a pinacle to tickle the nose 4 times to elicit the phlegm from the nose.
  3. Phlegm due to frustration, depression and misery, acupressure Liver Meridian Point -Zhang-Men, Heart Meridian Point 1 -Extreme-Fountain and Conception Meridian point 15- Jue-Wei

Weight Control

  1. No greasy-deep fry food; no beer or any Alcohol drink; no sugar;
  2. Vegetabe Blending with Chinese Rock Salt and high fiber powder (2 cups before breakfast, 2 cups before lunch and 2 cups of tomato juice or papaya juice before supper)
  3. Go to bed early and enjoy deep sleep
  4. Chi Machine exercise or other regular aerobic exercise
  5. Take Dr. Ging’s EZ BM Powder to insure 3 bowel movements daily
  6. Drink 4 cups of distilled water to facilitate the release of the toxins
  7. Drink 2 cups of Nut Milk
  8. Primary meal: Brown rice, buckwheat, cut pumpkin into cubicles pieses, 10 slices of fresh ginger root, 10 pieces of garlic, 1/8 tsp of Tumeric powder, 1/8 tsp of clove powder, Fenugreek powder and some parsley
  9. Rice vinegar and/or Apple Cider vinegar mixed with garlic mud (smash the garlic with food pounder) and one cup of distilled water. Drink it 10 minutes before each meal.
  10. Mung bean with red bean soup
  11. Blend 1/8 tsp of Fenugreek powder with 1 cup of hot distilled water, 4 cups daily. It would help balance blood sugar and high cholesterol
  12. Upon rising, drink 1 cup of warm water with 2 tablespoons of Coconut oil which would convert the fat in the cell into ATP; therefore, it would facilitate weight loss.
  13. Weight loss by releasoing the toxins:  tap the Urinary Bladder Meridian Point, Ceng-Fu to Wei-Zhong Point.

Acne/skin Rashes

  1. No Coffee, No greasy/deep fry foods, no sugar food, no pops, no spicy food, no Junk foods, no cow milk, no shrimp, no lobster, no mushroom, no wine-beer-liquor
  2. Go to bed early (no later than 9:30 p.m.), no grilled foods.
  3. 1/4 tsp of Chinsese Rock Salt blend with 5 cups of water. Drink 2 cups before breakfast, 2 cups before lunch and 1 cup before supper.
  4. Yin-Dan Liver Formula
  5. Take Vitamin B complex, B1 and B2.
  6. Acupressure Liver Meridian Point 8, (Crooked-Fountain at medial side of Knee) and Large Intestine Meridian Point 11 (Crooked Cistern)


Thick Blood or Blood Clots Attributable to:

  1. High cholesterol or high LDL
  2. Excessive body heat
  3. Acidic and toxic body due to parasitic infection, bacterial infection, fungal infection, yeast and viral infection, constipation
  4. Partake Blood thinner prescriptions for a long period of time

Vitamin E and Garlic are not secondary to Coumadin for blood thining. Allicin and Allyl sulfide are the phytochemicals in the garlic; they are able to kill the germ, reduce the viscosity of blood platlet and inhibit the formation of carciogen toxins existing in the scrambled and high heated BBQ meat.
Glutathione in the Garlic can reduce the risk of Colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer because it stimulates the mast cell, and mediate the activity of T cell and Interleukine.
Coumadin may be effective to thin the blood; however, many patients are forced to stop the prescription because of its side effect to cause the bleeding (thin the blood too thin) and liver damage.

Healthy Diet for Diabetes Patient

  1. Use only one piece of organic carrots for forementioned Vegetable/Fruit Blending
  2. Recommended daily diet:
    Clove powder (1/8 tsp daily), Cumin powder (1/8 tsp daily), Cinnamon powder (1/16 tsp daily), Fenugreek powder (for weight loss as well)
    Gymnema Sylvestre (for weight loss as well), Chinese mini Cucumber, Pumpkin, five slices of fresh Ginger root (1/4 inch thick), Garlic, Apple cider vinegar, notoginseng, sage
  3. drink distilled water with lime juice, 4 cups daily would help cleanse the kidney; it is natural kidney dialysis.
  4. Take a walk or any aerobic exercise under the sunlight for 30 minutes.


Chronic Fatigue, Slur Speech, Tonsil Inflammation, horsy voice and Alzheimer’s syndrome

  1. Raw English Walnuts
  2. Bu-Zhong-Chi Formula for Tonsil inflammation, memory loss and horsy voice
  3. Blood Cleanse Formula
  4. Ten-Complete Herbal Formula
  5. Panacea Forula
  6. Six-Gentleman Formula
  7. Kidney Energy Formula
  8. Yin-Dan Liver Formula
  9. Chinese Rock Salt


Excrete Gall Bladder Stone within 4 days

  1. First day and second day
    Blend 1 ml of Ortho-phosphoric acid, P3O with 4 cups of green apple juice. Drink 2 cups each time, before breakfast and before lunch. Ortho-Phosphoric acid can soften the gall bladder stone.
    Drink 6 cups of Vegetable blending, brown rice and high fiber powder to have at least 3-4 bowel movements.
  2. Third day
    Drink the regimen as the first day plus
    Drink 250 cc distilled water with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt at 3:00 p.m.
    Eat small amount of meal for supper at 6:00 p.m.
    Blend 250cc olive oil, 3 limes (with peel and seeds), 1/4 red beets, 1/2 cup of pear with 3-horse power blender. Drink it at 9:00 p.m; then, lie down on the right lateral side with right knee bended for 30 minutes
  3. Fouth day
    Upon rising, drink 250 cc distilled water with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt and 2 tsp of high fiber powder. Then, drink 7 more cups for the rest of day.

Do not eat any greasy/deep-fry food; no cow dairy; no coffee; no pops; no sugar food; no beer-wine and liquor. Drink as much as distilled water as possible

Expel Kidney Stone within 7 days

  1. Blend four limes with peel with 1/2 gallon (2 liter) of ozonated water. Drink it 2 cups before breakfast, 2 cups before lunch, 2 cups in the early afternoon. Drink it all before the end of the day.
  2. continue the above lime juice drink and foot reflexology on kidney region for 4 days
  3. Vegetable Blending. 6 cups daily
  4. regular exercise at least 30 minutes daily. .


High Blood Pressure

  1. Stimulate auricular (ear) acupuncture and body acupuncture on Gall bladder Meridian, Xian-Zhong point and Spleen Meridian, San-Yin Jao point
  2. Massage or acupressure on the back of the ear
  3. Massage Kideny Meridian Point 1 and Small Intestine Meridian Point 5 (Yang-Gu) and Point 6 (Prevent Aging)


Heart Palpitation, Arrhythmia, Heart Failure

  1. Heart Nourishment Formula
  2. Vital Heart Formula
  3. Panacea Formula
  4. Ginkgo Biloba leaf or fruit exclusively
  5. Romy’s Healing Touch Treatment
  6. Take a vacation for one month


Chronic Cough and Cold Prevention

  1. Warm Chinese rock salt water
  2. Blackberry
  3. Bu-Zhong-Chi formula
  4. Extra-Strength Kidney Nourish Formula



  1. Acupuncture Triple Warmer Meridian Point 7, Zhi-Gou (above the Wai0-Guan point)
  2. Eat abundant War-Jui and spinach, high fiber powder, 3 limes with peel.
  3. Acupressure Zi-Gou point onTriple-Warmer Meridian.
    One Pear, 1/2 lime with peel, 1/4 red beets, 1 green apple, 1 organic carrots, one cup Almond milk, and 1/8 tsp of Chinese Rock salt. Drink two cups before breakfast
  4. Make a tea out of 6 dried roses and some plum or California Prune
  5. Dr. Ging’s E-Z BM powder
  6. Nut milk.  Drink 2 cups before breakfast, 2 cups before lunch
  7. Magnesium Malate. 2 tablets (2,000 mg) before breakfast and 2 tablets one hour before bedtime.


Chronic Diarrhea

  1. Stop eating all fruits and cold nature vegetables such as cucumber, War-Jui, red beets, and so on
  2. Acupressure two-side Epicardium Meridian Point 4 (Nei-Guan) and Stomach Meridian Point, Tzan-Yang for 5 minutes per session, 3 times daily.
  3. Governor Merdian point, Chi-Hai (Energy Sea)
  4. cook Black Chicken or ranched raised chicken soup with Orange peel, 12 pieces of Huang-Chi herb. It is recommended that the surfaced white grease oil on the top the soup be removed after ovenight refrigeration.
  5. Lacto Energy Formula
  6. Panacea Formula
  7. Liver Breakthrough Formula
  8. True-Dew Formula
  9. Papaya Enzyme


Tinnitus – ear ringing or hearing loss

  1. Eat abundant brown rice or rice soup
  2. Acupressure the Heart Meridian Point 1 – Extreme Spring (left auxiliary) and Heart Meridian Point 3, Shao Hai (right elbow) with the thumb until you feel the numb sensation for 5 minutes each session, 2-3 sessions daily
    Heart Meridian point 1 also can help nausea after a big meal.
  3. Bu-Zhong-Chi formula
  4. Acupresuure Triple-Warmer Meridian Point 3, Zhong-Zhu and Kidney Meridian Point 1, Yun-Chuan (Gushing Fountain)
  5. find effective ways to minimize the mental-emotional Stress


Gastric Acid Reflux and/or Gastric pain

  1. Acupressure Lung Meridian 3, Tai-Yuan Point
  2. acupressure Spleen Meridian Point 4, Gong-Shuen and Stomach Meridian point, Liang-Chou
  3. Liver Breakthrough Formula
  4. Quit taking greasy, deep-fry foods, sugar foods and Yam.
  5. No coffee; no wine-liquor-beer and any alcohol drink
  6. Go to bed early, no later than 9:30 p.m.
  7. Bu-Zhong-Chi Formula is specifically beneficial to Chronic fatigue and gastric pain.
  8. For gasric pain, acupressure or moxa Spleen Meridian Point 4,      Qong-Shuan for 5 minutes per session, 3 times daily.
  9. Radical forgiveness prayer

Stubborn Lower Back-Neck-Shoulder Pain

  1. Acupressure and knock Heart Meridian Point 3, Shao-Hai (right side) and Small Intestine Point, Hou-Xi point
  2. Du-Ho Herbal Formula
  3. Extra-Strength Kideny Formula


Stubborn Knee Pain

  1. Acupressure, moxa or NotoGinseng powder onto the Epicardium Merdian Point, Nei-Guan (right and left forearm) along with Spleen Meridian Point 4, Gong-Shuan (right and left feet) and Yin-Lin-Chuan Point (left leg)
  2. Du-Ho Herbal Formula

Mouth Odor and Heel Pain

  1. Acupuressure the Epicardium Meridian Point 3, Da-Ling to enhance the spleen energy, food assimilaion and wrist function which corresponds to the ankle and heel; therefore, stimulate the Da-Lint point would do away with the food stagnancy, mouth odor and heel pain.


Tendon Health is related to the Liver (blood bank)

  1. Push the toes backward. If you see a rigid and hard tendon at the bottom of the feet straight down from the big toe. Massage this di-Jing (earth tendon) point, it would relieve the spinal decompression, spondylitis (rigid spinal cord) , insomnia, male potency, low libido, ADD/ADHD, Parkinson’s disease, cerebrual vasclar disease because they are tendon related diseases can be cured by massaging the bottom of the feet.
  2. Stimulate the Gall Bladder Meridian, Yang-Lin-Chuan Point (Tendon converage point),
  3. Stimulate Triple-Warmer Meridian, Zhong-Zhu point and Governor Meridian, Jin-Saw point

Frozen Shoulder

  1. Acupressure Stomach Meridian Point 38 (Tyao-Kou under the Zhu-San-Li)


Sinusitis, nasal blockage, Car-boat sickness, Nausea, Vertigo and gastric pain are attributable to the Meridian Chi deviated from the normal energy pathways causing Chi chaos. To correct the Chi chaotic syndromes, you may:

  1. use a soft tissue to stimulate the nasal membrane to stir up sneezing 3-4 times each session, 2-3 times per day would cleanse the toxins, rubberish, and redirect the energy back to the normal pathways.
  2. Acupressure Urinary Bladder Meridian Point, Ger Shu to inject the Chi (healing frequency) into the blood to expedite the healing process.

1.    Pine Grease powder or Bai-Xia-Hou-Bu Formula
2.    Acupressure Liver Meridian point 3, Tai-Chuan and Lung Meridian Point 1, Shao-Saun

Heavy and Non-Stop Menstruation

  1. Spleen Energy Formula
  2. Lotus Root or Liver Balancer
  3. Acupressure Spleen Point 1, Yi-Bai and Liver Meridian


Shortly After Taking Antibiotics Prescriptions

  1. Eat abundant brown rice with Bu-Zhong-Chi Formula to prevent infection in the future
  2. To strengthen the Kidney and Spleen Meridian as a means to enhance the immune system. Black Sesame Powder, Raw English Walnuts, Ranch-raised Chicken soup, stimulate Liver Meridian Point, Chu-Chuan Point at medial side of knee (left side).
  3. you may take Lacto Formula to prevent yeast infection
  4. partake Jiu-Yui fish soup
  5. For stubborn cough and/or allergies, it is recommended that        Bu-Zhong-Chi Formula be taken for three months.
  6. For skin rashes, eczema, urticardia, you have to quit drinking cow milk.
    You may drink Almond milk (original) or goat milk as a substitute.
  7. Acupuncture Spleen Meridian Point, 6 (Shan-Chou, specializes to overcome infection (urinary bladder infection and urethra tract infection) release the excessive heat in the body; therefore help sleep) and Kideny Meridian 6, Shining-Sea.


Panic Attach, Nightmare, Night Sweat

  1. Acupuncture Heart Meridian point 6, Yin-Xu and Point 7, Shan-Men

Stop Bleeding

  1. One of Spleen Meridian functions is to insure the blood to flow within the normal course of blood vessels. Moxa the Spleen Meridian Point 1 (Ying-Bai for sensitive to cold) and Liver Meridian Point 1 (Da-Duan for excessive menstruation flow)
  2. For nasal bleeding, use garlic mud to apply onto the Kidney Meridian Point 1 overnight.


  1. Acupuncture or acupressure Point 7, Fu-Liu


Uric Acidic

  1. acupuncture Kidney Meridian Point 9, Zhu-Bing


Expel Dampness

  1. Acupuncture Yin-Li-Chuan and San-Yin-Gao
  2. Acupuncture Liver Meridian Point, Crooked Fountain to Tin-Bao.
    Always acupressure Crooked Fountain to open up Liver Meridian Point 3, Tai-Chung.
  3. Acupuncture Triple Warmer Meridian Point 12, Xia-Lao and Epicardium Point 5, Jien-Shi



  1. Heart Meridian – Heart Meridian point 4 (Lin-Dao, above  Tong-Li point)


Goiter Growth due to depression and grief

  1. Acupuncture Heart Meridian 1, Epicardium Meridian Point 1 (Tien Cistern) and Triple Warmer Meridian, Point 10 (Tien Jing) and Large Interstine Meridain Point, Shao-Wu-Li.



  1. Kidney Meridian point, Fu-Liu and Lung Meridian point 5, Ci-jer (on the elbow)


Something invisible Clogged in the Throat (Mei-Her-Chi)

  1. Acupuncture Heart Meridian Point 8, Shao-Fu (bend little finger onto the Emotion Line)


Lipid tumor

  1. Phlegm (cold phlegm) acumulation due to depression and frustration

Acupuncture Points for vitality and nourishment

  1. Small Intestine Meridian Point, Zhi-Cheng (for yang Chi deficiency)
  2. Lung Point, Tai-Yuan for Varicose Veins, and Arrhythymia
  3. Lung Point 5, Chi-Zer can greatly energize the Kidney
  4. Shao-San-Li helps release allergy
  5. Tai-Xi, Fu-Lie, Guan-Yuan
  6. Yi-Men can relieve the life sap deficiency
  7. Ling Gou (Tong’s acupuncture point)
  8.  Triple Warmer Point 5, Yang-Cistern (on the opposite of wrist)
  9. Epicardium point, Lao-Qong (energize the heart to relieve the overloaded heart)

Heart palpitation and Feel Panic/nervous

  1. Acupuncture Stomach Meridian Point, Fu-Tu.


Dry Syndromes

  1. Triple Warmer Meridian point 2, Yi-Men and Large Intestine Meridian Point 2, Err Jien


Aging Spots

  1. Triple Warmer End point, Si-Zhi-Kong

About the Author:


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    این شرکت در سال 2011 و در شهر شنزن چین فعالیت رسمی خود را با
    تولید لوازم جانبی گوشی‌های موبایل آغاز کرد و در مدت 9
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    hundred and eighty کشور جهان از جمله ایران صدر کند.

    همچنین با توجه به نوع پاوربانک و ظرفیت آن میزان گارانتی دستگاه نیز می‌تواند
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    جدا کنید، این ویژگی به کارتان می‌آید و مدت کمی پس از شارژ کامل گوشی، فرایند شارژ به
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    پر ظرفیت هستید که همزمان سرعت
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    دستگاه را شارژ نمود. در نهایت باید بگوییم که پاور بانک های بیسیم
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    ضروری نیست. به همین دلیل پیشنهاد می‌کنیم در صورتی که نیازی به آنها ندارید، قید خرید چنین مدل‌هایی را
    بزنید. اما در انتخاب بین این پاور بانک ها، ترجیحا
    به دنبال آنهایی باشید که خروجی
    وایرلس حداقل ۷.۵ وات یا بیشتر دارند.
    داخل پاور بانک‌هایی که از شارژ بیسیم پشتیبانی می‌کنند یک سیم‌پیچ تعبیه شده که امواج
    الکترومغناطیسی تولید می‌کند.

    یعنی پاور بانکی که ورودی ۵ ولت و ۲ آمپر دارد می‌تواند با شارژهایی
    که این میزان را فراهم کنند شارژ شود.
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    پاوربانک ها را دارد اما با صرف مدت زمان دو برابر یک شارژر
    ۲ آمپری. در زمانی نه چندان دور، گوشی‌ها با یک بار
    شارژ شدن تا چند روز و حتی یک هفته
    دوام می‌آوردند. به همین دلیل پاور بانک ها روز به
    روز محبوبیت بیشتری پیدا کرده‌اند و به یکی از همراهان همیشگی بسیاری از ما بدل شده‌اند.

    فراموش نشود که هم پاور بانک و هم خود گوشی یا
    گجت باید از شارژ سریع پشتیبانی کند.
    در حال حاضر بالاتر بودن توان شارژ از ۱۵ یا ۱۸ وات را
    می‌توان معیاری برای سرعت شارژ بالا دانست.
    برای این‌کار کافی است قسمت دریافت‌کننده شارژ
    (عموما در بخش مرکزی پشت گوشی) یا ساعت هوشمند را
    روی پاوربانک قرار داده تا
    عمل شارژدهی اتفاق افتد.

    لازم به ذکر است که عموما سرعت شارژ با پاور بانک و حتی شارژرهای بی‌ سیم نسبت به شارژ از طریق
    کابل به مراتب کمتر است. [newline]طبیعتاً اگر وزن پاور شارژ بیش‌ از
    حد باشد، نمی‌توانید به راحتی شارژر
    همراه خود را جابه‌جا کنید.

    بیشتر خریداران پاور بانک‌ها تصور می‌کنند که یک پاور بانک ۵ هزار میلی‌آمپر ساعتی
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    به همین دلیل به هیچ عنوان این داروها را بدون تجویز پزشک و بیش از
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    فتشیسم به عنوان یکی از مباحث پیچیده و
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    باشد و برای بیش از یک قرن است که نظریه های متعددی در ارتباط با آن داده شده است.
    در گذشته و حال بسیاری از افراد بر این باور بودند که
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    فرد دارد و بر اثر مدل های یادگیری که در گذشته
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    علاقه شدید جنسی به خالکوبی یکی از نمونه های ابتلای فرد به فتیشیسم می باشد.

    مثلا بوسیدن پای زن ها با توجه به اینکه نورونهای عصبی
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    سطح بدن پخش شده است می تواند به زن ها احساس لذت بخشی بدهد
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    دیگر از گرایشات پرستشی دیگر در رابطه جنسی رایج
    تر است. یک تحقیق دریافته است که حداقل نیمی از
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    وجود داشته باشد، راهکارهای
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    دارد. در قدم اول پیدا کردن یک درمانگر خوب می تواند مسیر درمان را ساده و تسهیل کند.
    شرکت در جلسات مشاوره های جنسی یا روان درمانی کمک بزرگی به فرد مبتلا برای مقابله با نشانه های فتیش می
    کند. به یاد داشته باشید هر چقدر هم شرایط
    شما از نظر خودتان بد باشد یا از
    مطرح کردن موضوع خجالت بکشید، باید از متخصص کمک بگیرید.
    همچنین اگر همسر یا شریک کسی
    هستید که دچار اختلال فتیش است، با مراجعه
    به متخصص می توانید به خود و همسرتان کمک کنید.

    رایج ترین اشیاء فتیش کفش، دستکش
    و لباس زیر (چرم،لباس ابریشمی ، دامن،
    دستکش وپوشیدن پوشک) است. روان درمانی، درمان شناختی رفتاری و سکس درمانی از جمله درمان فتیشیسم
    می باشد. یکی از مواردی که در فوت فتیش ها دیده می شود، تمایل
    به تحت سلطه قرار گرفتن توسط همسر است.
    فتیش پا و موقعیت های جنسی بر مبنای پا این شرایط را برای فرد فراهم می کند.

    در افراد مبتلا به فتیش، اشیاء و اجزایی غیر از اندام تناسلی و جنسی به ویژه پا باعث تحریک جنسی می‌شوند.
    [newline]با اینکه در نظر اول این انحراف می‌تواند جزو ویژگی‌های طبیعی هر
    انسان باشد، اما می‌تواند باعث اختلال در عملکرد جنسی و اجتماعی افراد شود.
    همچنین اگر فرد بدون جسم فتیش نتواند تحریک جنسی را تجربه کند، این رفتار می‌تواند تبدیل به یک مشکل بزرگ در رابطه جنسی با شریک جنسی‌اش شود.

    قبل از بررسی درمان فوت فتیش لازم است
    که یک بررسی جامع از این اختلال داشته باشیم.

    این درمان‌ها معمولاً علائمی را درمان می‌کنند
    که شامل اضطراب، احساس گناه ،
    مشکلات رابطه – که بیمار را مبتلا می کند شامل
    می شود، اما بسیاری از افراد مبتلا به فتیش ممکن است تمایل طولانی‌مدت به آیتم فتیش خود را حفظ
    کنند. استفاده از نتیجه اولیه از درمان های مختلف برای کمک
    به بیماران موثر است. یک فتیش جنسی بنا
    به تعریف ناسالم به حساب نمی آید اما اگر باعث ناراحتی طولانی مدت و شدید در فرد شود، ممکن است به عنوان
    یک اختلال فتیشیسم در نظر گرفته شود.

    در صورتی که اختلال با جلسات مشاوره درمانی حل
    نشود ممکن است درمان های دارویی
    توسط متخصص به کار گرفته شود. به راحتی
    وقت مشاوره بگیریدهمه ما در مراحل و زمان هایی از زندگی نیاز به صحبت کردن
    و مشاوره گرفتن از فردی داریم که بتواند
    ما را درک کند. بله این همان مرده خواهیست و چون ریشه
    روانی دارد، با هیپنوتیزم و روان درمانی کاملا قابل
    حل است. البته باید در نظر داشته
    باشید که جای نگرانی نیست و با طی دوره درمان صحیح، مشکلات شما قابل حل است و افراد بسیار
    زیادی با مشکلات به مراتب حاد تر، در این مرکز درمان شده اند.
    تاکید من برای مراجعه سریعتر به این دلیل است که این تمایلات
    در مراحل اولیه بسیار سریعتر و
    راحت تر درمان میشوند.
    داشتن اینها در تحریک کنندگی جنس مقابل تاثیر بسزایی
    خواهد داشت. زیرا عواطف جنسی و نیازهای نوازشی هم پله هایی هستند برای تکامل انسان که نباید کتمان گردند.
    کمر باریک در مواجهه با سینه و باسن است که نمود
    پیدا میکند زیرا کمر باریک تر باسن را چاق و
    چله تر و سینه را فراخ تر و زیباتر نمایان میکند برای همین دختر کمرباریک در فرهنگ های مختلف تا
    این اندازه معروف گردیده است.

    اما برخورداری ازقد و قواره و هیکل مناسب برای اغلب مردان تاثیر گذار است و از فتیش که بگذریم بهره
    مندی از قد و بالای بلند جذابیت عمومی
    جنسی را هم در حد بسیار بالایی نگاه می دارد.

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